Social Justice Commitee
Act Justly, Love Tenderly, Walk Humbly With God
Sacred Heart Social Justice committee meets once a month to plan activities that help our parishioners deepen their appreciation of the mission of the Church, the people of God. Contact David at 403 357 9117 or email [email protected] if you wish to be part of our committee.
Sacred Heart Social Justice committee meets once a month to plan activities that help our parishioners deepen their appreciation of the mission of the Church, the people of God. Contact David at 403 357 9117 or email [email protected] if you wish to be part of our committee.

Coming Soon
Our Lenten Water Project
“Whenever you do this for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you do it for me”
Coming Soon
Our Lenten Water Project
“Whenever you do this for the least of these my brothers and sisters, you do it for me”